This is going to be an exciting time!
Imagine me, writing me first Clojure app!
I'm halfway through writing my first Clojure program called "relman", short for "Release Manager".
It's a simple CLI application to help me deploy specific WAR files to a dockerised Tomcat.
The recipe here is a simple pull deployment (unless I've hit unforeseen issues - fingers crossed).
Firstly, I've configured my Jenkins build to rename any successful elwood-parent builds to <feature>-<issue number>-<issue description>-<#build number>.war and copy this to a mounted volume shared with Tomcat.
Secondly, running relman on host to copy the war file as ROOT to the designated Tomcat directory mounted as "/webapp".
Thirdly, umm.. I think that's it. Trying to keep the solution simple.
This POC worked by manually copying the file across directories, so technically this idea should work!
Furthermore, I think this recipe is universal and applicable when I use different Git branches whenever Jenkins kicks in.
As with relman in Clojure, this is a work in progress but I think I'm not far off from my end goal.
In summary, this is my first step to get CI/CD working and it's by no means an end to this exciting journey!
And the quest for CI/CD continues... (Clojure included)
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