Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I Keep Coming Back to the Land Of Lisp

Don't ask me why. For some reason, I keep coming back to the Land of Lisp.

A few weeks ago, I was reading a few chapters about Common Lisp before I went to bed.
I remember vividly on one particular night, my mind was mumbling about the cryptic CAR, CDR, CDAR, CADR operations repeatedly, while looking at an unknown rectangular block chopped off from the top.

Well, the good thing is - this isn't one of Freddy Krueger's episode.

Lisp has been around for quite some time and to think about this old language coming back to life in the modern times or as an incarnation is exciting.

Welcome Clojure!

I hear people complained about the excessive (((((parenthesis))))) that comes with it. True, but has anyone complained about excessive semis;colons;and;{braces{around{blocks}}} from other programming languages? (No Visual Basic 6 please)

Though quite new to Clojure, I thought of trying a few simple things to see how it tastes like.

To compute for an extended price of an imaginary item (I was told that I should use a map to represent the properties of an item):

(defn line-extended [{qty :qty price :price discount :discount}]
   (* (- price discount) qty))

Simple enough.

Next is what I find Clojure interesting.

Suppose I need to sum all quantity, price and discount:

(defn line-items-summary [items]
   (apply merge-with + (for [item items]
   select-keys item [:qty :price :discount]))))

The code performs a loop for each item, add the quantity, price and discount and returns the sum of these properties.

So invoking this function as follows:

(line-items-summary [
    {:qty 1 :price 10 :discount 2}
    {:qty 2 :price 1000 :discount 200}])
{:qty 3, :price 1010, :discount 202}

The syntax looks simple, elegant and most of all appealing. 

To sum up the three adjectives - it's POWERFUL!

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