Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Elwood Maven Surefire Integration

I thought of adding a feature to Elwood to display failed Maven tests in real-time.

Below are my options:
1. Constantly watch and scrape the test results produced by Surefire plugin
2. Augment a test listener1 to Surefire plugin and expose the failed statistics back to Elwood

Since this is an experimental project, I decided to take the slightly complicated approach - option two. From my original thinking, I need to write a Maven model converter, hunt down the Surefire plugin and add the necessary test listener before I feed this pom back to Elwood (see Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Maven Model Converter to add a Surefire test listener

There are a few challenges here. Firstly, writing this converter is not a straightforward exercise as I originally anticipated. It requires deep a knowledge on Maven internals, plus an extra hurdle on the lack of API documentation. I've searched high and lows and luckily found what I was looking for from a test code found in Maven Model Builder project2. Secondly, I need to find a way to pass back the failed stats to Elwood through some mechanism. I can choose to do this by writing to a file, but then, how is this different from scraping the result as described in option one?

I've created a local branch containing the model converter and yet to push this to the remote repository as I still have to figure out how to hand the numbers back to Elwood. At this point, I'm not certain if this solution is achievable, so please stay tuned...

Update (24/11): The initial implementation is now available at:

1https://maven.apache.org/surefire/surefire-api/apidocs/org/apache/maven/surefire/report/RunListener.html 2https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/master/maven-model-builder/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/model/building/DefaultModelBuilderFactoryTest.java