Last week, I've committed the relevant changes1 to issue #5086802 but Codeship3 reported a broken build. I swear I ran the UI test suite before committing and Grunt said everything was good! I decided to take some time to investigate this issue tonight to get to the very bottom of this.
Broken builds keep me awake at night.
It appears that I've been building from the recent release of AngularJS 1.5 (previously 1.4) and there seems to be some incompatibility with PhantomJS 1.x.
Interestingly, Codeship reported:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ng due to:
TypeError: '' is not an object (evaluating 'Function.prototype.bind.apply')
After some lucky searching, this link came up:
The suggested fix was to move up to PhantomJS2 and update the karma-phantomjs-launcher module.
As to why the test suite worked on my machine but not Codeship's is a big mystery to me...
Note: Last October, as a true believer of CI, I've got Codeship to automatically build Elwood every time I push my changes to BitBucket. Codeship has been doing a great job for the past couple of months happily doing the builds in the cloud. (Hoping CD to come soon but everything must come in baby steps :)) It's an irony that I run a local copy of Elwood and manually trigger the build on Elwood sources. Does this sound like eating my own dog food?
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