Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Elwood Maven Surefire Integration

I thought of adding a feature to Elwood to display failed Maven tests in real-time.

Below are my options:
1. Constantly watch and scrape the test results produced by Surefire plugin
2. Augment a test listener1 to Surefire plugin and expose the failed statistics back to Elwood

Since this is an experimental project, I decided to take the slightly complicated approach - option two. From my original thinking, I need to write a Maven model converter, hunt down the Surefire plugin and add the necessary test listener before I feed this pom back to Elwood (see Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Maven Model Converter to add a Surefire test listener

There are a few challenges here. Firstly, writing this converter is not a straightforward exercise as I originally anticipated. It requires deep a knowledge on Maven internals, plus an extra hurdle on the lack of API documentation. I've searched high and lows and luckily found what I was looking for from a test code found in Maven Model Builder project2. Secondly, I need to find a way to pass back the failed stats to Elwood through some mechanism. I can choose to do this by writing to a file, but then, how is this different from scraping the result as described in option one?

I've created a local branch containing the model converter and yet to push this to the remote repository as I still have to figure out how to hand the numbers back to Elwood. At this point, I'm not certain if this solution is achievable, so please stay tuned...

Update (24/11): The initial implementation is now available at:

1https://maven.apache.org/surefire/surefire-api/apidocs/org/apache/maven/surefire/report/RunListener.html 2https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/master/maven-model-builder/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/model/building/DefaultModelBuilderFactoryTest.java

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Elwood sources now available in Bitbucket

For the past few weeks, I've been squeezing every last drop of my own time to get Elwood working. From a simple process executor to a functional web application, where I could trigger a build by clicking a link. I have to say that this app is simple and crude, but is really fun to work on!

Think about this for a moment - we're writing a tool to build the tool itself!

Elwood is made up of a back-end REST service and a front-end AngularJS app. The REST service requires Redis 3 (never tested this on Redis 2+). The app keeps a list of projects and tracks the build results. Currently, it only supports Git with SSH (with or without passphrase).

"Elwood threw down his fork. He pushed his chair back and stood up. Liz stared up in astonishment at him, her cup half raised. Bob's mouth hung open, his sentence unfinished. Little Toddy said nothing."

The sources are available in Bitbucket:

 Looking ahead, this is going to be a very long journey...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Elwood - Building the build server (a prototype)

Things are coming together right now! It all started from an imaginary concept filled with dragons, knights and fairy god-mothers - well yeah, you know what I mean.

At the most basic level, a build server has to satisfy 3 requirements:
  • Get the source code
  • Build the code
  • Report if the build is successful

What I have right now is a work in progress. It's quite rudimentary and clunky. It clones your sources (currently Git only) and runs your build command (e.g. mvn clean package). The UI constantly polls for the log but goes endlessly. I have to manually kill the poller to stop this activity - how shameful of me!
He builds a boat in his back yard, to great annoyance to his wife and neighbors. When they ask him why he builds it, he tells them he doesn't know.

What's next?
I need to capture and store the build number, as well as the build result.